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Find Your Place with Us

Children Praying


Children are invited to come up front during our Children's Time for a short message and prayer.

Church Choir


Music is very important to us.  We sing traditional and more contemporary hymns in our services.  We use the Presbyterian Hymnal and the "Sing the Faith" Hymnal Supplement in our worship services.

Holy bible detail


We celebrate Communion once a month, usually on the first Sunday.  We also celebrate the Sacrament of Communion in Advent and during Lent.


An offering is taken during the worship service.  The offering is used for general operating costs and the missions and ministries of the Church.  We welcome you to give as you wish.  


Prayer cards are available in the pews for prayer requests.  

Children Embracing in Circle


Children's Summer Camps are available at the church in June, July, and August for children completing kindergarten and above.  Camps vary from year to year but have included Computer Camp, Art Camp, Science Camp and many more!

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